About this manual

See details about this Clip Studio Paint User Guide, including the version information and notation guide.

Using this manual

This manual explains the features of Clip Studio Paint for Windows, macOS, iPad, Android tablets, and Chromebook.Use the contents bar to navigate the chapters, or use the search bar to find specific topics.

Clip Studio Paint is available in three editions: DEBUT, PRO, and EX.This manual describes the features of all three editions.When features are not available in a particular grade, it will be indicated in the text.

This guide is based on the product specifications as of March 2024 (Version 3.0) and may differ from the current specifications.

About OS notation

Clip Studio Paint operation may differ depending on your device.In such case, it will be written as follows.

Unless otherwise stated, operations in this guide are described based on the Windows version.If a function or operation differs depending on the OS or device, it will be mentioned in the text.

The equivalent to Windows keys on other devices are as follows:





















Right click (mouse button)

Mouse click while holding down Control

Long press with finger or tap while pressing the Ctrl key

Long press with finger


·On tablets and smartphones, the edge keyboard is available for key commands.For details on how to use the edge keyboard, see "Edge keyboard (Tablet)".

·You can use shortcut keys on tablets by connecting a keyboard.

About AI features

When using Colorize, Pose Scanner, or Remove tones, the image data is uploaded to an AI server that interprets the data and processes the image.Data is managed in the following ways when using AI features:

·Personal information such as the product serial number or Clip Studio account is not uploaded to the server.

·After the process is complete, the uploaded data and the generated data are completely deleted from the server, and Celsys does not retain any such data.

·Celsys temporarily retains the user data and resulting data until the process is complete, and the data is then deleted.During this period, all intellectual rights to the data is retained by the user.The image data is not released outside of Celsys.

Trademarks and Copyrights

·Microsoft, Windows, and Surface are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

·Mac, macOS, iPad and iPhone are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.in the United States and other countries.

·iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco System Inc.in the United States and other countries and is used under license.

·Google, Android, Chrome OS, and Chromebook are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC.

·Galaxy is the trademark or registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Wacom is a registered trademark of Wacom Co., Ltd.

·QUMA is a registered trademark of SoftEther Corporation.

·Adobe, Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries.

·Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Direct Publishing and the Kindle Direct Publishing logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc.and affiliated companies.LINE is the trademark or registered trademark of Line Corporation.

·All other company names and product names described herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

·No part of this guide (including data) may be reproduced or copied for commercial use without permission from the copyright holder, except when required by law.

·Clip Studio, Clip Studio Paint, QUMARION, IllustStudio, and Comic Studio are trademarks or registered trademarks of CELSYS, Inc.
