Customizing brush tools

Check this section for details on customizing existing brush tools in Clip Studio Paint.

Sub tool detail palette

You can customize the brush tools in Clip Studio Paint using the Tool Property palette and the Sub Tool Detail palette.


You cannot customize brush settings from the Sub Tool Detail palette in Clip Studio Paint DEBUT.

Each tool has relevant settings that show in the Tool Property palette by default.

Open the Sub Tool Detail palette at the bottom of the Tool Property palette to display all settings for the selected tool.


You can change which settings appear in the Tool Property palette by toggling the checkbox to the far left of the setting name.Settings with an eye icon will appear in the Tool Property palette.


After editing a brush, select Save all settings as default in the Sub Tool Detail palette to save the settings as new defaults.

You can also revert any changes to the most recently saved default by selecting the Reset all settings to default button in the Tool Property palette or the Sub Tool Detail palette.


Sub tool settings

Brush tools have the following setting groups in the Sub Tool Detail palette.Depending on the brush tool type, some settings in each group may be unavailable.

For details on specific settings, see the "Settings Glossary".

Brush size

Settings for the brush size, including minimum size and pen pressure sensitivity.


Settings for the brush opacity, blending mode, and color mixing.

Color Jitter

Settings for adding randomness to the brush color.


Settings for the level of anti-aliasing on the brush.

Brush shape

Settings for the overall brush shape.

Brush tip

Settings for the brush tip shape, including the angle, hardness, and density of the brush tip.

Spraying effect

Settings to add and adjust the spraying effect of the brush.


Settings for how the brush tips are spaced and repeat in a single stroke.


Settings to add and adjust the texture of the brush.

Dual brush (2- Brush shape)

Settings to create dual brushes linked to the main brush shape.

Watercolor edge

Settings to add a watercolor-style edge and adjust the opacity and size of the effect.


Settings exclusive to Eraser-type brushes.You can turn on Vector eraser settings and erase on all layers.


Settings such as stabilization, tapering, and snapping to rulers or other guide shapes.

Starting and ending

Settings to add automatic effects to the start or end of lines.


Settings to keep the brush from crossing reference lines.

Brush dynamics

Some settings such as Brush size, Opacity, and Brush density have a button to the far right.This button controls how the brush responds to input dynamics such as pen pressure and tilt.


Select this button to open the brush dynamics for the desired setting.


In the Dynamics dialog, you can link a brush setting to Pen pressure, Tilt, Velocity, or randomize the setting.Use the slider to set minimum or maximum values as needed.You can also make detailed adjustments to pen pressure input using the Pen pressure settings graph.

When brush dynamics are active for a setting, the icon in the button will change accordingly.If dynamics are not on, the icon will appear as a box with a diagonal slash.