Search Layer palette
The Search Layer palette lets you filter layers by layer type and property.You can open the palette by tapping the palette name in the Window menu.
Use the dropdown menus to filter layers.You can filter by layer type, name, and include or exclude layers with certain properties.
(1)Layer type list
You can select layer types from the dropdown menu.Checked layer types will appear in the list.
You can narrow down the layers displayed by specifying additional conditions: Visible, Locked, Locked transparent pixels and Reference layer.
You can exclude layers from appearing in the layer list by specifying additional conditions: View, Locked, Locked transparent pixels, Reference layer, Draft layer, Outside current folder, Outside current frame folder, Outside current animation folder.
(4)Search keywords (EX only)
You can enter search keywords to filter for layer names containing a certain phrase.
When a single type of layer is selected, relevant tools and command icons will appear under the filter tabs.You can use these to create new layers, switch to the Object tool, and so on.
When a layer is selected in the Search Layer palette, you can delete it from the project by tapping the Delete icon at the top right.